
Keyvault validator source
Keyvault validator source

keyvault validator source

In this article you will learn how to configure an AKS cluster (Microsoft Azure offer for kubernetes) to consume secrets, keys and certificates from an Azure KeyVault (secure store offer from Microsoft Azure). This is a problem when you consider to version your yaml files, this will means that the values of those environment variables will be placed in the repository and more importantly if you deploy to multiple environments where you have different values for those secrets you can not have them hardcoded in your yaml file, instead, you need them to be dinamicaly adjusted to the environment where you are deploying them.

keyvault validator source

Usualy you will define an environment variable for the container and will set the value when running the deployment to kubernetes, this works just fine but the downside is that those values are visible to anyone who does a "describe" of the pod containing the containers.

keyvault validator source

While building a kubernetes cluster to deploy your containers in there you will find that most of the times you need to pass information to those containers for them to work properly, this can be a connectio nstring to a certain resource (databases, redis cache, storage accounts, etc).

Keyvault validator source